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- An email or phone call from one of our strategists
- A review of your digital marketing requirements
- A time & cost estimation
- A call to speak about the strategy
- A detailed proposal
A specialist loft conversion company, County Lofts operate throughout North London and Essex. The client had a proven track record, and a great reputation. However, this was not represented by their digital presence and their website lacked any meaningful traffic volumes.
The primary challenge was to increase traffic volumes to the website; however, it quickly became clear that a new site was required to provide the required information and guidance to visitors. It was also necessary to ensure the site could provide something extra, when compared with the immediate competition. With relatively expensive generic keywords careful budget allocation was a requirement to avoid wasted spend.
A multi-faceted approach was undertaken comprising the design and build of a new website which could promote the clients existing reputation to a wider audience. The site includes an online pricing tool, multiple case studies and a highly detailed construction guide for users. Obtaining a quote was made as simple as possible.
Traffic was delivered to the new website through Google AdWords and Bing Ads. The pay per click option being the most immediate way to provide measurable traffic. With the use of suitable goals set in Google Analytics and AdWords Conversion Tracking for the key user activities on the site, we have been able to refine the paid search to a highly efficient mix of campaigns and ad groups, delivering a consistent flow of interested visitors to the website. It was also necessary to overhaul the client’s Local visibility through Google My Business, there was a combination of multiple entries and mismatched information which needed to be consolidated.
Organic traffic has continued to grow steadily without the use of any overly sophisticated SEO solutions, being simply reliant on quality content and search relevance. These increases have enabled the diversification of the budget, allowing experimental campaigns to be created in the paid search accounts without any detrimental effect on the number of converting visitors.
A long standing healthcare provider in Dubai, the client was wanting to increase interest in highly specialised medical treatments in Dubai. They were also in the process of opening a brand new hospital in India.
A specialist office furniture company, delivering in London and Northampton, the client had an enviable reputation and client base visiting their showrooms, but they were struggling to develop the e-commerce side of the business.